
Primary School



Tuesday 19th May

Posted: May 18, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Sometimes, I just tuck my knees into my chest and I lean forwards...
That's just how I roll!

Morning all,

I hope you have seen that I've started putting the stories on the Whole School Blog - I'm going to carry on all week, so you should all see your work. Read some of the others. While I'm thinking on, two groups are still missing... Dark and Strike of Wuhan. Come on...

Reading: I want you to read ALL four stories on the Whole School Blog, that I put on yesterday. Then I want you to write a review for them. Which was your favourite? Why? Send me your review and I'll post it tomorrow.

Exercise: I'd like you all to do some form of exercise that you've NEVER done before. Nothing dangerous Fin! Get a photo and send it to me. Here's Rogan doing some very dangerous exercise: 

Don't attempt this without an adult standing by!

GPS: Semi colons - can you remember these?

Some great work by Caitie here - and look at Reuben's: 

Populations (Reuben).docx


Geography: This is about natural resources.

Music: I'd like you to listen to something different. Try the album 'Graceland' by Paul Simon. This is influenced heavily by the music of one particular country. See if you can work it out. Paul Simon was married to an actress from Star Wars. Who was that? It's not music I normally listen to, but it's very evocative. See what you think - let me know.

Now... some photos... and some more work: 

 What are you reading, Alex?

Breakfast of champions, Leila!


 Georgie - hard at work.

And look, maybe the final visit to Netherthong by KBLA: 

It might be a plan to get in touch with KBLA - she leaves town next week, for her new life. I've told her to stay in touch - especially now I know how good she is at making chocolate covered flapjack!

What do you call a man who can't stand?



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