
Primary School



Monday 18th May

Posted: May 17, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good morning/ Buongiorno/ Bonjour/ Guten Morgen/ Buenas Dias/ Ohayo Gozaimasu/ Dzien Dobry!

Welcome to another week.

This week we were supposed to be doing cycling; you were all going to ride around the village without getting run over and it would have signalled a) the end of the half term and b) the beginning of the end of primary.

Sorry, Miss H here with an updated guess who ... (Remember, one of them is Mr C but which one?)

SATs are finished and projects have begun.

I feel like I should continue to set you maths and English, as you've missed quite a lot of lessons, but I'm going to take the maths from BBC Bitesize and your English will be part of your projects. I will throw in some grammar from time to time...

Reading continues to be important - FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES. Reading is so, SO important. I'm now reading 'The House in the Woods' by Mark Dawson - it's a bit creepy, but creepy can be good. What are you reading? I'm always thrilled to see photos of you reading and I know other staff members look at our blog and see what books year 6 read - recommendations are always welcome.

Exercise continues to be important - FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES. On Sunday, I met up with Mr Kershaw and we socially distanced while walking around Holmfirth and Upperthong - we saw Holly on our travels and Mrs Johnson. Make sure you get some exercise today. Joe Wicks? A walk? Cycling?

BBC Bitesize - 
Maths - Challenges for Y6:
English - Using hyperbole, similes and metaphors:
History - Henry VIII anyone?

Do any of these, all of these, some of these - whatever you fancy.

Here is your topic...

Population - I'd like you to find out which are the top 5 countries by population and compare them to the United Kingdom. If nothing else is gained from this, I'd like you to try to remember the population of the United Kingdom. Then, I'd like you to list the top 5 cities in the world by population and compare them to Holmfirth (or Huddersfield, if you can't find Holmfirth data). Can you find Netherthong's population?
Which of these cities would you like to live in? Do you have a favourite? Are they what you expected? WHY do you think they are so populated? What brought people there and not to other places? Write a short report about YOUR thoughts... I'll be interested to read these. 

If you really want to test yourself. Try to guess the top 5 countries and cities first. See how you do.

Afterwards, test your family... see how many they can get.

The cd topic was great... here are some more which came in later: 







wrath and raptureTom.docx

It was very difficult to choose a winner, but in the end it was unanimous - so congratulations Theo - you really have a talent; I know history and technology and science are things you love, but marketing might be in your future! Well done. Have 5 house points!

We had a visit from some Coopers on Friday: 

I'm in school ALL week, this week. I should be flying to Chicago on Friday, but... hey ho... I'd obviously much rather be in Netherthong - especially with the weather we are going to be getting this week. Instead of watching the Indianapolis 500, I'll enjoy gardening and cutting back the ivy on the house. Honest!

I hope you are all well. We are missing you and, who knows, we may be seeing you soon. Plans are afoot!

Take care...

Mr C

PS... What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shivers?
A nervous wreck


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