
Primary School



Monday 11th May

Posted: May 10, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good Morning all! 

I hope you have had a lovely bank holiday weekend. Did you see Castle Hill? My sister lives just below - she took this: 

Quite a few of you celebrated VE Day - here are some photos: 

Georgie's VE Day looks delicious!

So does Martha's: 

So... on to the week ahead. And guess what? It's SATs week! So, I'm sorry you don't get to have SATs breakfasts, but at least you aren't doing the tests. And, let's face it - we KNOW how much you have progressed and how good you are, we don't need tests to tell us that. 

But - I've got some 'Silly SATs' for you. As it's Monday - GPS papers - here you go...




They are amusing.

Reading: 30 minutes, at least please.

Exercise: Joe Wicks, or your usual family exercise/walk.

English: So, today is the day you all write chapter 4. The penultimate chapter. Speak to your partners and please send them back to me by the end of the day ON WORD PLEASE; thanks.


R.E.: A lesson on Ramadan

Here are some more photos - including another visitor last week:

Darcey's plants

Katiebelle's banner! Amazing.

Tom's arty nature photos.

Georgie's frappe

Alex's smoothie

Paddy and I decided to die our hair... lockdown is having strange effects on us all...

And finally... Here's Fin!

Good to see you Fin - hope you are feeling better.

Stay safe!

Mr C


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