
Primary School



Remote Learning Friday 1st May 2020

Posted: May 1, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 6

Good morning, Miss H here again!

Last weekend someone on my street organised this …



Everyone pitched together to colour in some letters. One of our lovely neighbours then took the time to stick the letters into the bins and put them in the correct order. She spoke with the refuse collectors, keeping 2 metres apart of course, and Dave, Martin and Lenny (the collectors) were thrilled with the message that read: Thank you to our key workers. This weekend we are going to be doing the same for the black bins.

So, on to today:

Reading: the usual 30 minutes, at least, please.

Science: We are still looking at the topic of Living things and their habitats. Today we are going to look at microorganisms. Take a look through the PowerPoint looking at what microorganisms are.

Now we are going to carry out an investigation.

Mould is the name for the types of fungi that grow on food. What do you think makes mould grow? It is useful to know what makes mould grow so that we can stop it happening as fast, and keep our food fresher for longer.

You are going to investigate the conditions which cause mould to grow. You will use 3 slices of bread and 3 clear plastic bags. You will place each slice of bread in a plastic bag and then decide which one variable you want to change.

For example, you may put one slice of bread in a very light place and one in a very dark place. The third slice of bread will be a control that stays in the plastic bag in the normal home environment. Or one may go in a very cold place such as the fridge or freezer and the other a very warm place such as over a radiator. The control bag will again just stay in the normal warmth of the home environment.

Plan your investigation answering the questions on this sheet.

Remembering that:

Independent variable
The condition you will change for your slices of bread.

Dependent variable
The thing that will be affected by the independent variable – this is the thing you will observe or measure about the bread.

Controlled variables
All the other things that you will keep the same for the bread slices and your investigation.

Good luck and don’t forget to check your bread every day and send us some pictures!

Computing: On PurpleMash, carry on writing your blog diaries! I love that you are all commenting on the different blogs, so keep it up.

DT: We are starting a new topic for the half term looking at food from around the world! During this topic we are going to be cooking dishes from around the world. Please do not feel like you have to purchase the ingredients especially, adapt the recipes to what you have at home. Today we are going to look at where ingredients come from.

I would like you to choose six very different foods that you have at home and research it answering these questions:

  1. Can you name the ingredient?
  2. Where does it come from?
  3. How is it prepared?
  4. What does it taste like?
  5. How might you eat it? What with?

If you want a challenge, here are some different foods for you to research:

Lemongrass, root ginger, pak choi, lime, mango, figs.

You could present your findings in a table like this:

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email me your creations! If you don’t have Lego, don’t worry any construction material will do …


Stay safe everyone!

Miss H


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