
Primary School



Speed Tabling family-style

Posted: Nov 15, 2019 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Thank you so much for all of those who made it to our Speed Table session yesterday afternoon. Apologies for late notice to you all, but this was very much driven by childrens' enthusiasm and, thankfully, I went along with it. 

Thirteen adults joined us - with varying levels of success, but ALL enjoyed, ESPECIALLY the children. 

Therefore, I think this should become a regular event and I will ensure we repeat it regularly.

I'm going to put the date of Thursday 12th December in the diary - 3.45pm kick off, so get practising people!

Much like the upcoming elections, we will accept a postal version - if you want to take part, but can't be there, please ask your child to take a sheet home and they can time you :) 

Thank you again for all your support.

Mr C


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