
Primary School



Friday 12th May 2023

Posted: May 12, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

I am proud to say that we have had another incredible week in Class 5. Once again, I have been blown away with the enthusiasm for learning that these wonderful students display! 

We have had another busy week, despite it only being 4 days long, and have managed to pack in persuasive presentations in English linked to climate control, how to answer questions involving money and how to budget for an event in maths, what a solution is and how to separate the materials that it is made up of in science and much, much more. 

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jackson and Tiana. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as they did writing it. Enjoy! 

Miss Eastwood 




We’ve been learning about climate change in English this week and today we used this knowledge to do a presentation about how to stop global warming because it’s getting dangerous and animals are getting extinct; polar bears are suffering from there ice caps melting so they won’t have a home or food. We all must work together to help stop climate change.




In maths we been solving problems with money (on the worksheet it had Peppa pig and Dora, it was a bit funny and crazy) and there were questions where we had add up the amount like e.g. a carrot cost £1.30 an apple cost £2.40 how much is it all together. It was so hard and it did make mine and Jackson’s brains go a little fuzzy but we did get the hang of it in the end.  Today we had a really fun lesson putting to use all of our learning about money. We had had to create our own party but we only had £1000. We needed to budget for food, entertainment and drinks. Some of the parties we created sounded really fun like having a bouncy castle and a pet petting station with unlimited milkshake.




In music we have played a cornet, baritone and trombone (but Jack plays a trumpet) and we’ve learnt all the notes. There are an A, B, C, D, E, F, G and we know how to read notes and play them. At first when we looked at them, we had no idea what they meant and now we know everything about them. FUN FACT! At the end of each lesson, we play the name game.



In PE we have done circuit training. Myself and Jackson were exhausted by the time we were finished, we were melting at the end. We had to take part in a circuit of lots of different exercises on the playground. In our other PE lesson we did orienteering and it was very fun. We had to read a key and use to key to help us solve 3 jigsaw puzzles, easy, medium and hard.


YEAR 6 SATS!!!!!!

We would like to give a massive well done to year 6 because it might have been hard for them this week having to complete their SATS. Our whole class had to very quiet each morning so that they could concentrate on their S.A.T.S which was tricky but I bet not as tricky as having to actually do the tests. Well done year 6.


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