
Primary School



Friday 24th February 2023

Posted: Feb 24, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

We have leapt straight into our second spring term with a fabulous start in Class 5! The children are really enthusiastic about their new topics and putting 100% effort into all of our lessons, all the while having great fun!

We have had a particularly exciting week this week with visits from our local police offers to discuss their role in the community and careers in the police. The children were really sensible during their presentation and had some brilliantly inquisitive questions to ask. I was very proud.

Not only that but an EXTRA SPECIAL guest came to visit our classroom today, the one and only… MR CURLY WURLY, Netherthong’s very own therapy dog. The children were all so excited to see him, he brought a huge smile to everyone’s faces as he walked around for pets and cuddles as the children worked.


This week’s blog has been written by our very own Zachary, Jack and Noah. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it, enjoy!



This week on Monday our maths learning objective was to know the rules of angles and turns. On our CGP work Zachary got 9/11 which is a very decent score, Noah got 11/11 which is great and Jack did all 3 question sets in the book, A, B and C so he got 29/29 years. Throughout the rest of the week have continued to learn about different angles and different shapes including regular and irregular polygons. Did you know that a 7 sided, 2D shape is called a heptagon?


In Science this week, we learnt about gestation. Gestation means the length of time a mammal grows inside the womb before it is birthed. Miss Eastwood also showed us pictures about how she changed over the years from new born to 29 years old. This was because our Science topic this half term looks at the life cycle of a human. We also we learnt the gestation periods of different animals and how they can be very different. For example, the gestation period for a hamster was just over 2 weeks whereas the gestation period for a human was 9 months!


In RE this week we learnt about ways in which people show that they’re sorry to other people. We acted out an argument and then we had to say sorry.


In PSHE we learnt about to recognise friendship feelings in others. We watched a video about two girls’ friendship we had to write good things about their good friendship and bad things about their bad friendship.


In English this week, we had to write a persuasive brochure about how you should visit the Amazon Rainforest also we had to use very good vocabulary, rhetorical questions such as can you imagine the beautiful birds of paradise swooping before you, wouldn’t you like to fly over the beloved Amazon Rainforest, feel the lapis air blowing in your face?


This week in P.E (gymnastics/dance) we had our last dance practice for the show we are going to perform on Tuesday next week. All we were doing was neatening our dance routine. We all enjoyed it and said it was really fun. Everyone said they were exited, nervous but also scared for the act5ual performance. This week on Thursday it was our first gymnastics/sports acro lesson. It was great fun and we all learned how to do proper gymnastic jumps keeping our knees together.


This week in topic we were learning about the 5 major climate zones like Tropical, Dry, Temperate, Continental and Polar. We learnt about the climate zones and how represent the average weather in an area. The one that we live in is called the temperate zone.


Zachary, Noah and Jack


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