
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 1st July

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had a wonderful week here in class 4!

We were treated to a fabulous handball competition yesterday; fully organised by our superb Sports Crew! The Crew are a group of brilliant year 6 children who have been selected and trained to organise and lead sports events within school. They successfully organised a superb tournament yesterday morning between the House teams in both class 3 and 4. They ran the whole event themselves and we were so very proud of them; the children loved every single minute and were so enthusiastic throughout. Well done Noah on being awarded the 'Man of the Tournament' for year 4!!

The children have been working incredibly hard on their adventure/fantasy stories this week; they have carefully planned them, before then completing a first draft and have just completed their final draft. They have even found time to add gorgeous illustrations too. We are so proud of them. They have now mastered the use of paragraphs with fronted adverbials, rhetorical questioning and much, much more! We're very impressed!

The amazing Ancient Egyptians' display is now finally complete (thanks to Miss Hewitt's wonderful design skills). Do come and have a quick look on your visit on Tuesday if you can; we'd love to see you!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Mrs Matthews and Miss Hewitt

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Sports Barn visit 24th June

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. Just a quick blog to let you all know how amazing the children in class 4 were on Friday at the Sports Barn. They had an amazing day; very relaxed, but at the same time very busy indeed! They worked in groups with other children across our Sports Partnership and worked through a great circuit of physical activities throughout the day. Activities included indoor athletics, boxercise, sitting volley ball, various games associated with boccia, track athletics, tag rugby and finally cricket. The children thoroughly enjoyed every single minute. They were all impeccably well behaved and both Miss Hewitt and myself were very proud of them all. It was a great end to our week!

On Thursday, not only did we have another fabulous orienteering lesson outdoors with Mrs Barraclough, we also carried out some investigative science in the forest. We conducted a fair test to investigate which area of the forest minibeasts prefer! Today, we examined our results and discovered beneath the logs was their favourite; more than 60 slugs were discovered beneath one of the logs!!

Well, that's all for today folks! I'll post another blog on Friday to give you an update and some photos taken this week.

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews & Miss Hewitt

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Friday 17th June

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had a very practical week this week! The children have been working incredibly hard on their Ancient Egyptians topic and have particularly enjoyed learning how to write using hieroglyphics and create a very decorative sarcophagus (Ancient Egyptian coffin)!! The children absolutely love doing any activity remotely creative and artistic; this task was certainly one of their favourites!!

Having spent quite some time designing and building their own 'buzzer game', using their super science skills, the children have really enjoyed showing them to their buddies and allowing them to share in their evaluations. The year 1 children are so impressed (as are we)!

The children were thrilled this afternoon to meet their new teacher for next year, Miss Eastwood! They were so excited to meet her and were delighted she spent the afternoon with us. As always, they were amazing! Miss Eastwood will be joining our Netherthong team in September and can't wait to teach your wonderful children. 

Have a fantastic weekend and have fun in the sun!

See you all Monday!

Mrs Matthews and Miss Hewitt

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Friday 10th June

admin on: Class 4

Good evening everyone!

What a great first week back we've had! The children have worked exceptionally hard all week. Miss Hewitt and myself are savouring every minute with them all as we know the children will very soon be moving up to Year 5.

This week the children have been working incredibly hard on their science/D.T. task; we asked the children to design and create a 'buzzer game' or 'quiz' with a buzzer. It was a very tricky task, but it was really great to see the children working so well in teams and problem solving. It was great to see the children enjoying applying their skills in both subjects to one task; well done everyone!

Orienteering and athletics have been a great hit this week! The children loved the orienteering activities yesterday and today they have really impressed me with their relay racing and hurdles. We certainly have some great athletes in year 4! We can't wait for Sports Day!

The children have thoroughly enjoyed writing some wonderful thank you letters to the staff at Cliffe House this week; I am sure the staff will be so touched as the children have all written such lovely comments! I'll take all the letters up to Cliffe House next week along with a little thank you treat!

Hope you all have a super weekend; fingers crossed for good weather!

See you Monday!

Mrs Matthews &Miss Hewitt

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Friday 27th May

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all very much looking forwards to a restful week next week. Let's hope the weather is kind to us all and the sun shines all week. 

The children have worked incredibly hard, as always! They have particularly enjoyed their science this week. We have been creating electrical circuits! The children have loved every single minute! They have enjoyed predicting whether circuits would work and have then created them and tested them! They have also conducted an investigation to determine which materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators. They loved it!! I have added a few photos below!

The children have been very busy completing fact files on the Ancient Egyptians too! They have enjoyed researching using the computers and a wide range of non-fiction texts and have all developed a fabulous knowledge of Ancient Egyptian life.

We have all had a wonderful day today; celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating fabulous collages of the Queen; they look amazing! They also created their own union jacks and loved waving them during our amazing 'Proms in the Playground'! The children have all worked so hard all week practising their song and performed it so beautifully today. Miss Hewitt and myself were so very proud of them all. The whole event was fantastic; a great memory for the children!

Have a super week with your lovely children!

See you on Tuesday 7th!

Mrs Matthews & Miss Hewitt

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