
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 7th October

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

Well done year 4 on a super week. A lively and chatty week to begin with, but by the end of the week you have all shown us what a quiet, hardworking and mature team you are! We are very proud of you all; the 'A' team!

Success again in assembly today too! Congratulations on winning the 'Spelling Shed' award this week; your trophy is standing proudly on our bookshelf! Keep up the fabulous hard work!

We began the week with some wonderful artwork. We had planned sculpture work in our lovely outdoor area; however, rain became an issue and hence we practised shading techniques with charcoal. We are focusing on the sculpture work of Andy Goldsworthy just now and hence the children were creating circular patterns with shading as a link to his work. There was almost as much charcoal on the children afterwards, however!! I have added a couple of lovely examples of the children's work below; they produced some fabulous ideas.

The children thoroughly enjoyed P.E. again this week; with football outdoors on Wednesday and dance yesterday, they are certainly keeping fit and healthy! Again, I have added a couple of photos.

The children are continuing to develop their knowledge of 'classification keys' in science as they sort animals and are loving appraising Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' work in music too.

Once again, it has been a full on, but fun week!

Do have a great weekend together and see you all on Monday!

Mrs Matthews, Mrs Scott and Miss Hewitt.

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Friday 23rd September

admin on: Class 4

Good evening everyone!

Thank you so much class 4 for all your fabulous hard work again this week; I am so proud of you all! Your homework has been amazing too; I am so impressed!

It has been a funny week as I was out on Tuesday all day at a P.E. co-ordinator's meeting. We were very busy organising lots of wonderful sporting activities for you all this year!

However, I will be back in class as usual all week this next week and have lots planned for you.

This week we have worked so hard in maths; developing mental maths as we add and subtract multiples of 100 and 10. In literacy, we have continued to work hard on developing our grammar and descriptive writing too. I can't wait to mark your 'Window' descriptive work! We have focused on poetry in reading and have even presented poems to the class. We have practised comprehensions too; all linked to our 'Animals and Habitats' topic.

The children are really enjoying our topic work; we have learnt all about the Jewish festival of Hanukkha this week and today we have once again focused on our geography work surrounding settlements. On Monday, I am looking forwards to continuing our classification work in science.

The dance work the children have been working on is really looking fabulous; the children are creating a whole class dance. Perhaps I could post a video of it once they have completed it; certainly more photos anyway!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

See you all Monday,

Mrs Matthews

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Friday 16th September

admin on: Class 4

Hey Class 4! How are you today? 

We have had a fantastic week with Mrs Matthews, Mrs Scott, and Miss Hewitt. We can’t wait for next week, but we’re here to tell you all about everything we have done this week. 

We’ve done so much! We got to do Maths outside on the playground with chalk. We drew number lines including negative numbers and then Mrs Matthews quizzed us on our amazing knowledge. It was a really fun lesson! 

On Wednesday, we spent Literacy in the forest! Paired in partners, we strolled around the forest writing down nouns, verbs and adjectives all to do with nature. We are very lucky to have such a luscious forest area to learn in because this helped us write a descriptive piece of writing all about the forest.  

Thursday was an amazing day! Part way through our morning, we did some street dance with an amazing instructor called Lucy. We focused on corner work that included poses, and at the end we are starting to put together a dance.  

Along with our extremely busy week, we also took time remembering Her Majesty the Queen. We’re sure that King Charles III will be an extraordinary King following his mother.  

We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

From the Class 4 Team (Jess, Florence, Tommy). 

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Friday 9th September 2022

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

What a wonderful first week we have had together in class 4! Your children are all just fabulous! They have shown super enthusiasm all week for all the activities we have shared. Mrs Scott, Miss Hewitt and myself are delighted with our new class and know we are going to have a great year together.

We had planned to venture out into the woodland this afternoon to bring our science to life! As you might imagine however, the dreadful weather has put a stop to that! We have been discussing animals and their habitats, so if you're outdoors on a lovely walk this weekend do have a look out for different habitats.

The children have told me so many lovely things about their Summer holidays and have written some lovely recounts. I can't wait to read those this weekend.

In view of the dreadful news of Queen Elizabeth, we have spent quite some time sharing images and video clips of the queen today. I have asked the children to do a little research this weekend and list their favourite memories of the queen in their homework books. This might include images, drawings or a list of ideas.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend; let's hope we see no more of the wet weather!!

Here are a few photos we took of the children this afternoon; we'd planned photos in the forest, but instead we took some indoors to avoid us getting completely soaked!!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews, Mrs Scott and Miss Hewitt

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Our final 2 weeks in Year 4 (23.7.22)

admin on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We very much hope you are all already enjoying your first weekend of the Summer holidays! What a wonderful last 2 weeks we have all had! 

The children have continued to work incredibly hard and have produced the most beautiful work. We are both so incredibly proud of them all and will miss them all next year. Every one of the children have completed their amazing 'Roman Life' informative posters; we are very impressed with them. The children worked together researching many aspects of Roman life and have successfully supported each other in creating their fabulous posters.

After working really hard to develop different 'levers and linkages' mechanisms, the children have designed, made and evaluated a range of moving figures and interactive posters and are rightly very proud of their final products.

Last week could not have ended better with our wonderful sports day! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did. Thank goodness we hadn't booked it this Tuesday; 'hot' wasn't the word was it?!!

The children have be just amazing this week! They coped so brilliantly in the intense hot weather; we were so proud of them all. 

Here are a few photos taken Thursday and Friday this week. The science photos were taken as the children investigated how much air we pay for when buying our favourite chocolates; they examined solid chocolate, Aero, Maltesers and Crunchie using magnifying glasses and compared the products through weighing, floating, crushing and melting them. The children had great fun!

Maths was fun too; the children worked in small groups (in front of a cool fan in the hall of course) and timed each other doing different tasks and then displayed their results in tables and bar charts etc. The children were all amazing and never once complained about the heat! We'll really miss your incredible children next year!

Have an absolutely fabulous Summer holiday everyone! Thank you so much for all your hard work this year and last!

See you all in 6 weeks!

Mrs Matthews and Miss Hewitt


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