
Primary School



Friday 10th November

Posted: Nov 10, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had a wonderful first week back in school. The children have arrived every day with renewed enthusiasm and wonderful smiles, keen to begin the new half term.

We have worked incredibly hard in English; the children have finally added the finishing touches to their super non-fiction texts on 'Saving our Planet'. If you need any advice on how best to help improve our environment, simply speak to class 4. They know all the most interesting facts! We are now currently working on writing our own poetry!

Maths has been busy too; we are working so hard at those times tables and the children are improving all the time. Thank you so much for all your fabulous support at home. We have focused on recapping 2 and 3D shape; both identifying and describing the characteristics of them. The children have worked really hard on symmetry too; it's not always an easy one, but they're certainly getting the idea now!

We have started our new geography topic this week too; the children have enjoyed identifying each of the 7 continents and have enjoyed learning all about their different sizes and populations and making comparisons.

Our new topic in art has interested the children enormously; they were very impressed with the life-sized art work of Richard Symonds and have begun sketching similar pieces, although much smaller!

Science was fun this afternoon too; the children should now be able to name all their teeth and yours too! They enjoyed examining each other's teeth to identify the different types and discovering the different roles each type of teeth has. We are really looking forwards to learning all about digestion this half term. I'm hoping they will love recreating the digestive system!

Dance proved to be a very exciting lesson; the children absolutely loved using different images and even a poem for inspiration for their paired and group dances this week. It was absolutely great to see the children discovered they had a love of dance they were unaware of. Watch out 'Strictly', here we come!! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the brief spell of improved weather we're having!

See you Monday,

Mrs Matthews x


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