
Primary School



Friday 29th September

Posted: Sep 29, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've all had a great week here in class 4; busy as always, but full of fun and learning!

The children have amazed me with their acting skills again this week! We used role play to enhance our literacy earlier in the week. We have been focusing on the book 'Window' in order to inspire exciting descriptive writing. We then decided to write an informal letter of complaint to the council regarding the changes to the environment seen in the book! Obviously, we had to role play a meeting with the councillors first; the role play was superb and certainly inspired the children's writing. It was lovely to see!

In geography, we have been looking at arial views and OS maps to spot different land uses. It has been interesting to compare different areas. The children are becoming quite skilled at spotting the differences whilst developing their map skills.

In art, the children have continued to focus on natural resources and have created some lovely patterns using charcoals and chalks. Next week, we are looking forwards to going outdoors and creating some Andy Goldsworthy sculptures using a variety of resources in the woodland area. If the winds begin again I am sure we won't be short of plenty of leaves to help with those sculptures!!

The children are broadening their knowledge of animals and the different characteristics. Today, we have been focusing on using classification keys to allow us to accurately group animals using more scientific terminology.

Gymnastics and netball skills are developing week by week and the children are thoroughly enjoying using the running track every day. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

See you on Monday morning!

Mrs Matthews and Mrs Scott x


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