
Primary School



Friday 14th July

Posted: Jul 14, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

Wow! Where has this year gone? One week left before the Summer holidays! I have thoroughly enjoyed every single minute teaching class 4 this year; what an amazing group of children they are!

We have been working very hard to practise the songs for Greenacres; some of the songs have been a little tricky for the children to learn but I hope you will agree, their hard work has certainly paid off. The children sounded absolutely amazing today. We decided to have a big practise this afternoon in view of the rain letting us down today! I'm so sorry we had to cancel today's sports day; let's hope the weather is kinder to us on Monday!

Thank you so very much to the parents that have kindly offered lifts to some of the children for our visit to Greenacres on Tuesday; it will be so lovely to be able to go to by car, rather than squeezing onto public transport. Please come to school for 1:30pm if you are able and we will have plenty of time to ensure all the children can take up their places in the cars and we can set off together.

The children have worked incredibly hard on their NFER assessments this week; I am so proud of every single one of them as they have put in so much effort and are making some super progress. Well done everyone!

We have lots of interesting art and science activities planned next week so I am sure the children will love every minute!

As promised, here are more of the wonderful Cliffe House photographs for you to enjoy! The children were all absolutely fabulous and had such a wonderful time. It was a real treat to share those very special days with them all.

Have a super weekend and enjoy our Summer Fair!!

See you on Monday,

Mrs Matthews and the class 4 team! xx


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