
Primary School



Friday 24th February

Posted: Feb 24, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We have had a great first week back; the children have returned refreshed, enthusiastic and ready for another action packed and exciting 6 weeks!

This week we have begun our new text; 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. The children are loving it! Earlier in the week the children worked in small groups to role play the beginning of the story, as Charlie returns home to see his family and enjoy cabbage soup!! The children were amazing. They have been working hard today to write their own versions of the conversation Charlie may have had with his family, particularly good old Grandpa Joe! They have been focusing on ensuring the conversation is presented correctly and with accurate punctuation.

In art, the children have begun to create their own version of one of Claude Monet's famous 'Water Lilies' paintings. I have been amazed by the wonderful work the children are producing; they're developing into super artists!

Maths this week has centred around 'measuring'; we have explored lengths, capacities and masses, working practically in pairs and small groups. I have suggested the children keep practising measuring at home too; using measuring jugs at bath time to practise measuring capacities and helping with baking etc. We have extended this learning by moving onto converting measures too; a little tricky at first, but the children have made so much progress and now have a much clearer understanding.

The children had their first swimming lesson on Wednesday morning and were so keen to tell me all about it on their return! Understandably, there were mixed emotions the day before, but it does seem they have thoroughly enjoyed their first lesson. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

The children were all amazing in their 'Sports Acro Gymnastics' lesson with me today. They worked exceptionally well in pairs, performing routines with super balance sequences. I'll take some photos as they develop their balances further and add some to the blog for you to see.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

See you on Monday,

Mrs Matthews, Mrs Scott and Miss Hewitt xx


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