
Primary School



Friday 23rd April 2021

Posted: Apr 23, 2021 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

What a lovely, sunny week we have had - let's hope the sunshine is here to stay for a while! 

We have had another busy week in class 4. Our book, Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx, has got our imaginations working and we have produced lots of super diary entries. Everyone is trying hard to remember to keep checking sentences to make sure they are the best they can be! 

Addition and subtraction using the formal column methods have been our focus in Maths. Mrs Cooper's group have been outside in the playground using chalks to help them remember addition facts. 


On Monday afternoon, we took advantage of the sunshine and spent some time on the field playing a bushcraft game. Did you know a stick can be a toothbrush, a golf club and a steering wheel? We didn't either but we do now! 

Computing was fun this week. We have started using a Purple Mash program called Logo and enjoyed typing in commands for the computer to follow. 


We have also become Royal Embalmers and mummified our own Pharaohs (or tomatoes!).  Here are a few pictures of the process:

We had so much fun.  We will have to wait and see what might happen with them over the next few weeks.  

We also had our sports coach in of Thursday and had a fantastic time outside in the sun running around the school field.

Have a fantastic weekend in the sunshine and see you all next week.

Class 4 Team


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