
Primary School



Friday 17th July 2020

Posted: Jul 16, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Heart anatomy: how does the heart work?

This has been one of the most incredible years in my 22 years of teaching!  I know that Mrs Kendal agrees.  It began in such a lovely way, with you all settled and happy.  When I look back on my time with you, my greatest memory is the giggles and laughter.  You have all been so completely amazing, each and every one of you.  You have mummified tomatoes, created you own poo, played cricket, learnt your times tables and become rock stars! 

And then on the 20th of March 2020 we all said a strange goodbye.  We put our chairs up and shut the doors, for who knew how long.  We never guessed it would be for so very long.  This is when you amazed us even more!  You became go-kart builders, Lego experts, artists, scientists and mathematicians.  You wrote stories, poems and facts.  You became TV chefs and the next David Attenborough's, animal carers, garden builders and expert cement mixers!

When I look back now, I also know how terribly proud of you, we all are.  We would like to say an enormous thank you to all of you.  Each and every one of you have done everything you can to keep going and keep smiling.  We would like to also say a big thank you to your grown ups, who turned teachers, whilst keeping working and smiling too.  Thank you.  You have been so wonderful to keep your children going.  This has been really hard.  Tuning into the blog and keeping in touch.  We have loved getting your emails everyday and took pleasure in replying to them.  The photos you have sent in have kept us smiling, which has sometimes been hard.  We have missed you all so much, so receive these has really helped us too.  You are such a great class and Mr Kershaw is so lucky to be having you next year.  Don't worry we have told him how fab you are!

I would also like to say a thank you for the gifts that you so generously gave.  Thank you.

Today, if you were in school, you would be having lots of fun, maybe playing games or watching a film.  I would like you to have a fun day.  You can chose something to do.  You could play a board game, do a jigsaw, paint, watch a film or build with your Lego.  The most important thing is to have a fun day and send your photos please.

The last thing I have to say well done Class 4 of 2020!  You have been astounding in every way.  Have a wonderful and safe summer and we will see you in September.

Lots of Love Miss Watkins, Mrs Kendal, Mrs Kewley and Mrs Scott



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