
Primary School



Wednesday 7th July 2020

Posted: Jul 7, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning! 

I hope you have all had a good start to the week. Today Miss Watkins and I are getting together in school (within a safe distance of course) to decide what we are going to do when we all meet up next Wednesday - we are so excited! 

Here are some of the photos from this week so far: 


Orla has some new additions to the family - very cute and super cuddly! 


Charlie engineered a safety device for his egg, based on a zorbing ball, before launching it off his balcony....the egg survived! Well done Charlie. 

Poppy designed some new shoes with a dog theme in mind. Unfortunately, you'll have to work a bit harder Poppy if you want a puppy - it's still a no from Mum and Dad! 10 out of 10 for effort though. 



Sarah decided to feed her egg to a hungry crocodile before dropping it from a great height! The plan worked and the egg survived (well, until Daniel ate it for lunch). Good engineering you two! 

Sarah couldn't decide which pair to shoes to write about so she combined them all together and went on a great adventure! Super work, well done. 


Super lockdown poetry by Ella and Lila - well done girls! 


What a wonderful piece of writing about a pair of space boots Ella - what an adventure you could have whilst wearing those! Making paper aeroplanes and finding out about all of the forces acting on them is great science. Looks like you had fun playing in the river too. 

Here are your suggested activities for the day: 


Tomorrow will be our virtual sports day. In preparation for this, can you design yourself a warm-up routine? Think about the different muscles that you will need to stretch.


The year 2020 has certainly been one that we won’t be forgetting in a hurry! If someone had told us last year that a virus would spread throughout the world and send the whole country into months of lockdown, we would have thought they were mad.

For the task today, I would like you to imagine that 2021 is going to be even crazier! Can you think of something that could happen (the wilder the better) and write about it? Maybe it could involve aliens, robots or extreme weather – I know how imaginative you are so get your thinking caps on!


Combination locks need a code to be unlocked.

Can you solve these puzzles to work out the codes for the two locks?


  • The second number is double the first number.
  • The first number is the number of sides a semi-circle has.
  • All the numbers are even.
  • The second number is 50% of the last number.
  • The third number is between the second and last number.


  • The last number is the biggest and is three times the first number.
  • The third number is the only even number.
  • The first and second numbers add up to half of 4.
  • The third number is one-tenth of 20.

Now have a go at making your own puzzle for someone else to solve.


Sophie and Will have been improving their drawing skills at home using the online tutorials by Rob Biddulph, an amazing illustrator. 

Follow the link to have a go:

Please send a photo of your drawings - they would look great on our blog! 

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx


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