
Primary School



Tuesday 7th July with Mr. K

Posted: Jul 6, 2020 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 4

Morning Class 4! This is my last transition Tuesday with you, as next week I have my class in school for the Summer Send Off. It has been brilliant getting to know you all. Thank you for all your hard work over the last half term. Next week, keep any eye out for some summer homework I will be setting you. 

Here is your work for today.


For English today, I would like you to do an acrostic poem. Remember, an acrostic poem is a poem with a word down the side and each line starts with the next letter of the word like this:


Amazingly tasty,

Perfume-like smell,

Pleasing to look at,

Lovely and juicy,

Excellent for a healthy snack!

I would like you to do it for 'lockdown'. So it will be 8 lines long and you can put down some of your memories from lockdown. It would be great to hear all about your time in lockdown. 

Send in your work to me for it to be displayed on the blog. The key to an acrostic poem is to plan ahead. Think of words that begin with each letter before you start writing the lines of the poem. Perhaps do a spider diagram to help with each letter. The poem could be nicely decorated with pictures of the things you mention in the poem.


For maths, I would like you to look at the link below on fractions of amounts. It is one of the skills that as a Year 5 teacher, I will expect you to know, so now is a good time to practise! If you don't remember, please don't worry! This link will help you with it, and I will recap it in our daily questions in maths next year. Just remember, you divide the number by the bottom (denominator) and your times it by the top (numerator). I have drawn a diagram to help you.

Now complete the worksheet and the quiz after reading the guidance on this page:


Before lockdown, you started the topic on changing states. I know you learnt a little bit about this, but I would like you to revise this using the following link. Watch the video, complete the worksheet and then the second activity must be done with adult supervision.


Libby F in my class came up with an awesome activity. She suggested that you (with your adult's permission) have a chocolate bar and look how many calories it is. Then, before you eat it, come up with an exercise that burns that amount of calories.


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