
Primary School



Tuesday 9th June

Posted: Jun 8, 2020 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 4

Hello, Class 4! Mr. Kershaw here. I will be doing some of your blog posts over the next few weeks. It may not be all the time, but I will definitely be sending some blogs your way.

As transition day might not be the same this year, we thought a good way to learn about our new class is to post some blogs. 

Any work should be sent to my email 

If you want to contact Miss Watkins or Mrs Kendal, then please continue to use the Class 4 email. 

Off we go!


First of all today, I would love to know a little bit more about you. So to do this, I thought we could start with a paragraph about ourselves. Here is mine:

My name is Mr. Kershaw and I am thirty-one years old. I have been a teacher for seven years, teaching at Netherthong for the last four. Although I take learning very seriously, I think part of learning is to have fun. As you may have seen from the 'Guides to Year 5' I posted on Friday, I do have some rules, but they are easy to follow! My hobbies include watching various sports with Mr. C, going travelling (not really possible at the moment!), long walks and reading. I have just recently become interested in jigsaws, which might not sound fun to everyone, but once you get started on one, they can be great at passing the time! My favourite food is cheese - all types of cheese! I have a phobia of mice and rats, which isn't very good when there is a certain mouse that likes to visit my attic in the middle of the night! 

So I am looking for a paragraph a little bit similar to that. You should include your name, your age and how long you have been at Netherthong Primary School. Tell me about your hobbies and something you have been up to during lockdown. Also, tell me some of your likes and dislikes. 

This is your first task, which can be emailed to me. I'm looking forward to finding out more about you!

Game - 2 truths and a lie

Here is a 'getting to know you' game. As well as your paragraph, I would like you to email me with 2 truths and a lie about yourselves. I have to guess which one is the lie.

Here are my two truths and a lie. Can you guess which one is the lie?

I have met Prince Charles when he came to my high school.

Gary Lineker once gave me a 'high five' in an airport when I was a child. 

My car is named Taylor Swift the Second. 

I will let you know which one was a lie if you email me with your guess!


For maths, I would like you to start thinking about some of the work we will be doing next year. So today, you are going to do some research for maths! I know that sounds strange, but all will become clear.

In Year 5, you learn about a type of number called a Prime Number. Have you heard of one?

I am not telling you what it is! I would like you to research what a prime number is. There are some good explanations on BBC Bitesize, Twinkl Teach Wiki and The School Run website. 

Once you have a good idea what prime numbers are, I would like you to create a poster explaining what they are as well as a list of the prime numbers less than 100. 

You could do this by colouring in the prime numbers on a 100 square, or just listing them. 

I would like these posters to be colourful, and informative. I would love to print some of these off and put them on my classroom wall for next year. 

If you find the idea of prime numbers hard, please do not worry. This is simply just meant to be an introduction to them. You will get lots more information on them in Year 5. 


In history, I can see you are learning about the Romans. I thought you could do some research into the Roman gods. There were many Roman gods and each of them had a different purpose. 

I have some links below to some information that might help you.  - This one is a podcast with some information on different gods and a song to sing.

Once you have done some research into the Roman gods and goddesses, choose your favourite one, and make a fact file about them. 

Your fact file should have:

  • A picture (drawn or printed out) of the god or goddess.
  • Their name
  • What they were the 'god of'.
  • Did they have a Greek version of them?
  • Did they carry any important equipment like a trident or a thunder bolt?


What activities have you been doing to stay active over the last 11 weeks? I love to hear about different ways people are keeping active! Some in my class have been:

  • Doing a keepy up competition
  • Trying out yoga
  • Having a competition to see how many steps they can do in a day
  • Joe Wicks

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all! Remember, my email is

If you need to speak to Miss Watkins or Mrs Kendal, don't forget to email them on the class 4 email address. 

1 comment

Loghan Brown Jun 9, 2020

I have been busy making and doing obstacle courses!.