
Primary School



Tuesday 12th May 2020

Posted: May 11, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning! 

Today is the day that Mrs Barker takes part in her Race for Life challenge. At 1pm, she will be running around the playground come rain or shine, hopefully raising lots of money for such a wonderful cause. 


Today's PE activity is all about supporting Mrs Barker. Join in with your very own Race for Life challenge and please send your photos to 


Will is getting very excited about having lots of new bedtime stories to read!  We have already had a sneak preview from a few of you and they are sounding great. 

Hopefully you will have now planned your story so today you can start writing out your draft version. You can either write out your whole story and then decide which bits are going on which page or you can start writing your story onto different sheets so you will know what your finished book will look like. Create your draft version in whatever style you choose. 

If you have planned your entire story and are ready to make the final version, then decide whether you are going to hand-write or use a computer programme such as Publisher or Powerpoint to make your book. 

Your finished book will need a front cover and a blurb - you can start thinking about these if you have time. 


As we were busy bug hunting yesterday, I thought we would stick with the same theme!

Here is a mathematical caterpillar...


Have a go at making your own. The rules are as follows:

  • Pick a number to go in the caterpillar's head. The number must be less than 100.
  • If the number you choose is even then you must halve it to get the next number.
  • If the number you choose is odd then you must add one to get the next number.
  • Follow the same rules each time to make the next number. 
  • Stop when you reach the number 1. 

Can you create a caterpillar that is longer than the one shown?

Can you create a caterpillar that is shorter than the one shown? 

How long is the longest possible caterpillar?

What do you notice? 


Animation - pictures or objects appear to move. 

Speak to an adult at home - did they have any favourite animated programmes when they were younger? My favourite was called Bagpuss. If you have permission from an adult to watch YouTube, try and find some of your parents' favourites. 

How do the characters in the programmes appear to be moving? How has the programme been made? 

When the first animations were made they were all hand drawn. Have a go at making a simple animation by drawing an object multiple times (each on a different piece of paper) but each time move the position of the object. When you flick through the pages it will look like your object is moving. 

The more simple your drawing, the better! 

Purple Mash: 

I have added a Litz Blitz and maths activity into your 2do list. 

Have a wonderful day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

1 comment

Martha McLean May 12, 2020

Charlie ran 2.6km for race for life last week with his big sister. He has raised sponsorship from his aunts and uncles - we are really proud!