
Primary School



Thursday 7th May

Posted: May 6, 2020 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 4

Happy Thursday tout le monde!  I hope you have been having a good week planning your VE day celebrations.  We have had some wonderful poems sent through, including some videos too.  Sadly at the moment we can't upload video clips, but when we are all back together, maybe it would be good to watch them together?

English - I would like you to think about your celebrations (real or pretend) for Friday.  Have a think about the different activities that you will be doing.  Can you write a list of the activities that you will be doing and include a description of each activity please?  This could be games that you might play, food you will eat, music and dance that might happen, anything that springs to mind for a VE Day celebration.  

Maths - Codes were the order of the day during the war, Bletchley Park being the epicentre of top-secret code-breaking during the World  War Two.  I wondered if you could create a secret code using your maths knowledge to send a message to us or a friend.  You could go basic or more complex, using times tables or just a number to represent a letter eg a-1, b-2 and so on.  Write them down and see who can crack the code and reveal the message (be kind in your messaging!).  You might want to explain your code to help the person work out the message.  Happy coding!

Art - I am sure that you all saw our lovely photo-montage of the fabulous Netherthong staff. 

We thought that it would be great to create our own Year 4 montage.  I would like you to think about a word that describes your feelings during these times.  Try to keep your words positive, happy and upbeat - just like you all are.  Write, draw, decorate your word on a piece of paper and colour it in so that it will stand out.  Then, it would be lovely to have a photo of you holding it, but if you are a little camera shy, just a photo of the word would be good.

You are all superstars.  Take care and keep safe

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team



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