
Primary School



Monday 30th March 2020

Posted: Mar 29, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 4

Good morning Class 4! 

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend with your families, I know I have. 

On Saturday night the Kendal family all sat out in the garden, under blankets, waiting for The International Space Station to fly overhead. It was the first time I've ever seen it so I was quite excited! It was a lovely clear night and we got to see Venus as well as lots of constellations. I recommend doing a bit of star-gazing if you get the chance. 

Today is the day that we should have been heading to Bradley Woods for fun with our friends and two nights away from home. I'm so sad that this hasn't been able to happen but Miss Watkins and I have decided to think of activities this week which means you won't miss out fully! 

Orienteering - 

Can you draw a map of your house/garden and use it to create a treasure hunt? You could make clues for brothers, sisters, mums or dads to follow and mark the locations of each clue on your map. Maybe a family member could use your map and make a treasure hunt for you.

Instead of writing clues you could put numbers on your map and the treasure hunter has to visit each number in order - time who can do it the fastest.

Making a den - 

Mums and dads will love this one! 

Can you make a den (either inside or out) using things you can find around the house? I'd love to see some photos of these and if you'd like to see them shared on the blog please ask an adult to give permission. 

Remember, any materials you use must be put away when you have finished! 

Spending time with friends - 

Not an easy thing to do at the moment but we all need to try and stay in touch with our friends as much as possible. 

We have discovered the wonders of 'Zoom' in our house. You can set up a free account using only an email address and it enables a group of people to video call each other (I'm quite sure a number of you are already way ahead of me here!). 

Be a good camp mate - 

At Bradley Woods we would have been encouraging you to be as helpful as possible. How many jobs in the house can you help out with today? 

You could: Make your bed, set the table at meal times, help wash up, load/unload the dishwasher/washing machine etc. 

I'm hoping that you already do a lot of these! 

Rules to remember - 

Have fun, laugh lots and make some memories. 

Looking forward to seeing some fabulous photos. Have a great day. 

1 comment

Martha McLean Mar 30, 2020

Brilliant! Thank you for all the exciting work you are setting the children!