
Primary School



Class 4 Brass Band

Posted: May 14, 2018 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 4

On Saturday, some members of Class 4 were fortunate enough to play at the Civic Hall in Holmfirth as part of the folk festival.

Mr. Garlick composed the performance and the children did him proud! They played six songs that they had been learning all year, many of them arranged where different children played different parts.

We are all very proud of Class 4 for their performance, as well as Xander in Class 5 who helped out by playing the trombone. Ginette Eady, the area manager of Musica Kirklees (who provide us with our brass lessons) emailed to say "It was a wonderful concert and so good to have  Netherthong School taking part and making it so special." 

Congratulations Class 4!

1 comment

Xander May 22, 2018

The consent was well played and year fore should be proud of themselves.