
Primary School



Our final week of term! (23.7.21)

Posted: Jul 28, 2021 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

We had a wonderful last week in class 3! The children continued to work extremely hard as they enjoyed further investigations surrounding 'light and shadows', recapped lots of maths and grammar and consolidated their learning in R.E. as they shared the film 'Prince of Egypt'. The children were completely hooked by the film and learnt even more about Moses.

The children loved their rehearsals for their special performance for Mrs Barker's leaving assembly on Friday. They performed 2 wonderful songs; 'So Long, Farewell' (from The Sound of Music) and also 'Mama Mia'. The children were absolutely amazing; they not only learnt every single word of each song perfectly, but also remembered their tricky dance routines too. They looked fabulous! Miss Kelly and Mrs Barker commented on how super impressed they were too! London's 'West En'd here we come!!! Miss Watkins and I were so, so proud of every single one of them! Well done year 3 and 4!


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