
Primary School



Remote Learning Tuesday 12th May 2020

Posted: May 11, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 3

Howdy do to all of you!

Lots of you have been sending in what you did to commemorate VE Day, here are some of your pictures ... 

Please do keep sending in what you did and I will keep adding to this collage! 

Well I have been very busy baking in our house at the moment! As well as the VE Day celebration treats, I decided to make a cake for some key workers that I know. Some key workers go very much under the radar and I wanted to show them how much we appreciate what they are doing. We only had pink icing in our cupboards, so that is what we used to cover the cake! Here is our lemon cake with homemade lemon curd filling, iced and decorated cake. What do you think?


Lots of you have been baking and I love seeing your photos! Do you have any recipes that you could recommend for me? I am going to be using one that Alfie suggested for a pizza this week so will keep you posted when we try it!

Remember, today is Netherthong Race for Life! Who is going to be joining Mrs Barker in completing it? I will be doing mine with Mrs Hemingway this morning! Let you know what you do.

Here is the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (remember to record your reading in your planners)

Active time - Joe Wicks guided PE lesson at 9am 


Don’t forget GoNoodle:

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break – Can you make an indoor hopscotch for everyone in your house to use? 





How are you getting on with your 'Timestables Rockstars'? Remember to let us know!

8 questions;

  1. 960 + 60
  2. 701 - 28
  3. 151 + 161
  4. 730 - 385
  5. 1/6 of 72 (remember to divide by the 6)
  6. How many mm in 29cm?
  7. 8L 502g + 4L 007g
  8. Name the three different triangles.



Time for some more creative writing! I hope that this week we can work collaboratively to create something as a class!

We are going to make an information book about different hobbies that you enjoy. You will need to choose the maximum of three hobbies that you do. Remember it could be drama, music, art and craft, sport or something else that you do.

Today, I would like you to make some notes about the hobbies you have chosen. Remember you need to inform people what the hobby is, what it entails and why you enjoy it so much. Here is a planning sheet for guidance if you need it:


When you all send me your work after we have written it tomorrow, I will put them all together in a book that you can all read!


Today, we are going to be looking at the Muslim festival of Ramadan. I know that Arjeta is taking part in this so it is quite important that we know and understand a little more about this important religious festival. I would like you to research this festival then fill out the activity I have set as a 2Do on PurpleMash. Here are some sources of information you can use if you would like:

BBC Bitesize video


Information sheet


Carrying on with the collaborative theme I would like to create our very own Bee Happy wall as a class! But how I hear you cry, we have Mrs Barker to thank for this!

Mrs Barker introduced us to something called ‘Padlet’ which is like a virtual piece of paper that we can all get to and write on! If you click on the link below, you will be sent to a new window. Hopefully, you will see that I have started us off by adding my own quote to make you smile! If you double click on the piece of paper or click the ‘plus’ button, you can begin typing. In the title part, I’d like you to put your name, then we can see who has contributed. You need to write your message to everyone then press the enter button. You can add images or doodles that you can draw by pressing on the ellipsis (…). I am looking forward to your posts to make me and others smile! Here is a link to our Padlet:

Bee Happy - Padlet


How did you get on learning the World War Two classic, We’ll Meet Again? This week I thought we would learn another classic song from the next decade along, 1940s last week, hello the 1950s! Here is the song Yakety Yak by The Coasters. Try learning this and performing it to people at home! Also, do a little research into music in the 1950s. Here are some questions to help you get started:

  • Which artists were popular?
  • What genre of music was most popular?
  • What instruments were used most during this decade?

Make notes and let me know how you get on! Here is a link to a YouTube video of the song and here are the lyrics.

Have a lovely day and remember to be in touch!

Miss H

1 comment

Karen Flynn May 12, 2020

Hello class 3 as one of your school governors I have been looking at the school blogs to see what you are all up to. Wow you have been busy, I love the photos keep them coming! I love the work you have been doing on VE Day and hope you enjoyed your celebrations. Keep up the great work and hopefully “we’ll meet again don’t know where don’t know when” Karen Flynn