
Primary School



Week ending 14th February

Posted: Feb 15, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

What a brilliant week we have had! The children have worked exceptionally hard; not only have they made the most amazing 'lunch boxes' and developed fabulous hockey skills, they have sung their hearts out not only twice in the Town Hall on Thursday, but also for the whole school in assembly. Mrs Pearce and myself could not feel more proud of them all; they have all learnt every single word of the many tricky songs they sang and have performed them with such wonderful enthusiasm. Many thanks for all your support at home and also in the Town Hall.

Our 'Mathletics' for this week involves multiplication and division practice; I have assigned 3 activities as each will help develop the children's confidence with times tables.

Our spelling focus this week is the 'ed' suffix; please encourage your child to try and learn the rule as well as complete the activity. Learning how to spell some of those words would be of enormous benefit.

Hope you all have a great holiday with your children.

Many thanks once again for all your support!

Mrs Matthews


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