
Primary School



Performance costumes

Posted: Dec 7, 2018 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Dear All,

The children have all been informed of the costumes we would like them to wear for our Christmas performance. The details of these have been written (by the children) in the homework section of their reading diaries. In many cases this simply involves wearing a particular colour. Please do come and speak to me if you have any difficulty at all or wish to discuss your child's costume. We do have a number of costumes available in school and will obviously provide these wherever we can. Please do try and avoid buying costumes as we don't want you to be out of pocket. Any problems, please just come and see us (costumes are very flexible).

The children have been practising so well and are very much looking forwards to presenting their 'show' to you!

Please continue to help them practise their lines and also the words of the songs.

Thanks so much

Mrs Matthews


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