
Primary School



17.11.23 Week in Review

Posted: Nov 17, 2023 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

I'm going to start off with music this week. The class have been listening to some of the movements from Camile Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals and picking out the sounds of individual instruments. They have been thinking about the timbre, dynamics, tempo and pitch whilst listening and trying to match the music to an animal or habitat. 

During our English lessons, we have had fun with inverted commas. We have been writing made-up conversations whilst using the correct punctuation.

We have had a very productive week in maths, learning some useful shortcuts for adding numbers that are close to multiples of ten. The class have used 100 squares to make a jump if tens followed jumps of ones. It makes adding larger numbers much easier!

In DT, we have thought about how to make our puppets safe for children to play with. We spoke about material choices, fixings and design. We had a go at trying our initial ideas out on a design template to see if our first ideas could be made into a real puppet.

Well done all, and have a nice weekend everyone! 


Mr. H.


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