
Primary School



16.6.23 Week in Review

Posted: Jun 16, 2023 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Music Galore! 

Music has been a fantastic activity and inspiration this week in Class Two.

To start off, we had the brilliant flutist Simeon Wood come into school. He delivered a lovely and engaging assembly showcasing his talents and instruments and also visited us here in class to answer some of the questions we had about what he does.

Following this, we got stuck into more music linked to our topic, Australia. We have learned that the Aboriginal people can tell where other Aboriginals are from based on their versions of stories, songs and speech. This can tell them whether they come from flat desert plains or rolling mountains and coastlines. 

We listened to some music from different areas around the world and tried to pick out any representation hidden in the music using key terms such as rhythm, tempo, pitch and dynamics. The class then got into groups and had a go at collaborating together to create a landscape-inspired piece of music and performed it back to the class. 

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!

Mr. H.


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