
Primary School



10.2.23 Week in review

Posted: Feb 10, 2023 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Hi everyone and good afternoon,

I hope everyone has a good half-term break, whatever you might be getting up to.

Another half-term has passed and this ends our Scotland topic. The class have been brilliant and enthusiastic! It sounds like quite a few of you are now planning trips north! Apologies if the weather is foul. This week, the class have written postcards from the Isle of Coll to tell others what they could do there and have looked at the variety of landscapes Scotland has to offer, identifying the physical and human features. 

We went outdoors to read the story of Katie Morag and the Baking Day and then made some porridgies (Scottish flapjacks) for the birds in the woods.

We had another go at using a map or Struay to recreate it ourselves and this time we added both natural geographical features and manmade features like the lighthouses and cottages. Mrs. Pearce was very impressed by Snowdrop group’s fantastic knowledge of Scotland!

Thanks, everyone - for your ongoing support! 

Mr. H.


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