
Primary School



23.9.22 Week in Review

Posted: Sep 23, 2022 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

Another brilliant week has come to a close here in class two and I must pass on how well the group are settling into year two. Well done everyone!

We have become number bonds experts during maths this week and can recall handy number facts quickly and accurately!

In English, the class have worked hard on describing Shackleton's famous boat - The Endurance! 

You should see the Moana dance that we are working on during dance lessons! It is going to be amazing when we bring it all together. Today, the class wowed me with their football skills. The passing on show was superb and they were excellent at passing under pressure too! Very impressive! 

Outdoor Learning was all about apples this week. The blossom that we saw in Spring has grown into beautiful red apples which are ripe and ready for harvesting. We collected the windfall apples from the grass and found lots of interesting things to do with them in our wild area. We made apple cakes, animal habitats, rolled them down the slope and made apple prints and bird feeders. At snack time we tried the fresh apples that we picked from the tree. They were delicious! It was extra special for class 2 as they actually planted the apple tree when they were in Reception class.


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