
Primary School



Remote Learning Wednesday 7th July 2020

Posted: Jul 7, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! I hope that you are OK today.  A big thank you to Mrs Matthews for taking over the blog yesterday again as part of our transition work. If you have any work to send to her, please email to

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to the memories padlet – there are some lovely ones on there! There’s still time to click on and post your memory:

Memories Padlet

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is back showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle – another recommendation from me is ‘Two Princes’ – your mums and dads might remember this one!

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.


Sports Day Plan


LO: column subtraction 3-digits no exchanging

  • 154 + 23 = ?
  • Partition 25 in 3 different ways.
  • 123 - 12 = ?
  • 55 ÷ 5 =
  • What number is 11 more than 46?
  • What’s the time?


Have a go at some of the games on here:

How did you get on with column subtraction on Monday? I hope you like it as a new method in your toolkit. You might want to use it in your 6 questions now if you think it is quicker than counting up (remember I always say find the most efficient method to use, so sometimes it isn’t the quickest way!). Now you can do two-digit numbers with the column method, you can also do three digits!

The same rules apply:

  • Set you numbers out in the correct place value like so…
  • Make sure the largest number is on the top…
  • Start from the right hand side – so in our case the ‘ones’ column. Subtract the ones and put the result underneath, like this…


  • Now subtract the ‘tens’ column and put the result underneath.


  • But then you have to subtract the hundreds. Now have a go at this sheet.


To get warmed up today, have a go at this grammar game.

I hope you enjoyed the Lost Thing film. If you didn’t get chance to look at it, here is the link to the film. Today I’d like you to design and describe your own lost pet. You can base it on a pet you have or would like or even a completely made up one!

Here is a template to create your own ‘lost’ poster. Remember to really describe your pet using some fabulous adjectives!



LO: What was the most important rule Jesus gave to people?

Why do we have rules?  There are lots of rules that we have to follow. Which is the most important school rule? Are they all important?

Where else do we have rules? Talk with your adult.

What do you think would be the most important rule for living a good life?  There are also rules in the Bible.  Do you remember the name of the rules given to Moses?

Moses was given 10 Commandments in the Old Testament which some people believe are rules that we should all try to keep.

Jesus said that the two most important rules are: to love God and to love each other.

Have a look at this story and discuss your thoughts with your adult: 

Finally - here's all the information you'll need for tomorrow's virtual sports day, so you get warmed up and prepared!! 

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep smiling!

Mrs B x


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