
Primary School



Remote Learning Monday 4th May 2020

Posted: May 3, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Monday is here again! I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. It’s Mr B’s birthday today, so I’m hoping that the boys are making his day special whilst I’m in school. We did make some chocolate brownies yesterday after Toby and Millie inspired me, so I have those to look forward to later on!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Subtract by counting up or counting back.

  • 32 + 67 =
  • 30 - 17 =
  • £1 – 36p =
  • 10 ÷ 2 =
  • Write thirty in digits.
  • Partition 178 into 100s, 10s and 1s

I have 87p in my purse and want to spend 33p. How much money will I have left? What number sentence could I write for this problem…

87p – 33p =

Can you think about the methods we have in our maths tool kit to solve this number sentence? We could count back from 87, 3 lots of 10 (77, 67, 57) and then count back 3 (56, 55, 54) so we get the answer 54. We could also use the number line counting up method…

Use this number generator to make your own two-digit numbers. Remember to subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Use the best method for your number sentence – either counting back or number line. How many number sentences can you complete in 20 minutes?


Here are this week’s spellings:













As usual you will find them on Spelling Shed and the transcript for Spelling Planet is here to download.

I received some of your descriptions from last week via email. They were amazing! I know that using the ABC technique was a challenge but it really did give your writing the ‘wow’ factor. If you haven’t sent me yours yet, please do!

It’s time to start the story! Read these pages with your adult up until the part where it says...But they could not get out.

Can you ‘see’ the storm happening in your imagination? Describe this picture to your adult. Which words did you like?

Now I’d like you to draw or paint a picture of the storm.


LO: To find out when and how seaside holidays became popular

What do you most like about going to the seaside? Going to the seaside for a holiday hasn’t always been something that people did. Have a look at this presentation. Why did trains make going to the seaside more popular? Why was it only rich people to begin with who went to the seaside? Why did people think going to the seaside was good for you?

Have a look at this information sheet then complete the sentences on worksheet 3A using the words in the word box or choose worksheet 3B and answer the questions.

Stay safe!

Mrs B xx



1 comment

admin May 4, 2020

I hope the boys and Mr B don't eat all of the brownies before you get home!