
Primary School



Remote Learning Monday 27th April 2020

Posted: Apr 26, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy Monday everyone. I hope you enjoyed the beautiful sunny weekend. Did you spot any birds? We saw lots in our garden including goldfinches, robins, blackbirds, blue-tits and we spent some time watching the crows annoying a huge buzzard circling the area! We can hear plenty of chicks nesting in the bushes too. Did any of you renew your Scout promise yesterday in honour of St George’s Day?

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Add pairs of 2-digit numbers by partitioning or counting on

  • 24 + 54 =
  • 56 – ? = 27
  • 22 + 7 + 18 =
  • 18 ÷ 2 =
  • Write seventeen in digits.
  • Partition 55 into 10s and 1s

Do you remember using the partitioning method to add two numbers, like this:

32 + 24

= 30 + 20 + 2 + 4

= 50 + 6

= 56

Have a go at the number sentences in Part A and then move onto Part B if you have time. Remember to write out the steps as above if you need to.




Here are this week’s spellings:










As usual, you will find these on Spelling Shed and here’s the transcript from Spelling Planet.

Why not write some sentences using these words in your yellow book. Remember to really concentrate and use your best handwriting.

In English this week, we shall be using this book:

It is a beautiful story filled with amazing illustrations. In fact it’s a legend. Before we look at this story, talk with your adult about you they understand a legend to be. How does it differ from a myth? What other legends do you know or can find out about? There’s no need to write anything down if you don’t want to, just research and discuss!


I loved hearing about your conversation with your families surrounding seaside holidays. Look at this presentation together and discuss your thoughts. Now, have a look at these pictures cards to find clues about what seaside holidays were like in the past. Record your ideas on the mindmap.

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email me your creations! If you don't have Lego, don't worry any construction material will do … 

Enjoy your work today. Remember to keep in touch, either by emailing me at or by commenting on the blog. I’ll be in touch if I don’t hear from you to see how you are.

Stay safe!

Mrs B xx



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