
Primary School



Remote Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020

Posted: Apr 22, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 2

Good morning my lovely little superstars, Miss H here again!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and didn’t eat too much chocolate! In between enjoying the glorious weather, I have been spending time painting. For Christmas, my sister got me a colour by numbers canvas to paint with a picture of a dog (She said that she had finally got me what I always wanted, my own dog!). I started this over the Christmas holiday but have not had the chance to add to it. I have found this so therapeutic and many hours have been lost while I have painted listening to music on the radio. Here is what it is going to look like …

Here is what mine looks like so far …

Here's the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is guiding a PE lesson at 9am (



Break – Maybe you could spend some time outside, you could try doing some gardening?




This half term we are going back to look at the topic of Animals including Humans. Not all animals have babies in the same way. Some animals lay eggs for their babies to grow in while other animals grow babies in their tummies, like humans do.

Research and make a list of some different animals that lay eggs and some different animals that give birth to live young. The worksheet is here: 


I have been going out in my Grandma’s back garden and clapping on a Thursday night for all of the key workers. Have a go at doing that tonight and be sure you make as much noise as you can! I used a frying pan and wooden spoon last week. Maybe you could make a banner and hold it up while you cheer? Don’t forget to take a picture and send it to us!


In the news on Tuesday, the artist Tom Croft, has painted key workers for free so they have something to remember how everyone has come together and worked as a team. Here is a video link to find out more about what he did:

Today, I would like you to take some inspiration from him and create a picture of the people in your home, so you can look back and remember who you have spent so much time with. You could sketch your picture, make a collage or any other way you think of. Be creative! I look forward to seeing your pictures!


On Purplemash, we are going to be starting a new unit of work! We are going to start to look at coding.

I have set you a quiz to test your knowledge from last year when you did coding? See how you get on.

Also, I have set an Air Traffic Control task. There are videos at the start of each challenge which explains each task. If you click the hint button, it will show you how to code each object. Any problem, just let me know. Good luck!

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email me your creations! If you don’t have Lego, don’t worry any construction material will do …

Keep Smiling and stay safe!

Miss H


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