
Primary School



Homework 08/11/19

Posted: Nov 8, 2019 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone!

We've had a lovely first week back, despite the rain. The children have been introduced to our new book 'Journey', which is a beautiful picture book. We have now started to write the narrative using descriptive sentences.

Today, we have started to design and prepare our materials for making puppets. The children drew their own snowman design and then created a pattern. These were not easy tasks as they then had to pin their patterns onto felt ready to cut out. Over the next few weeks, they will be sewing the pieces together.

In maths we've been doubling and halving plus we've completed our first steps in multiplication. So this week's Mathletics is all about counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Written homework is about nouns - remember 'people, places and things'. Has your child told you all about 'Litz Blitz'? Why not ask them about it?!

Next Friday is Children in Need day and we've invited children to wear their PE kits as we will be participating in the Big Morning Move with Joe Wicks. You can donate £1 for this very special cause and more information can be found here: Children in Need

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs B


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