
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


4.3.22 Week in Review

Posted: Mar 4, 2022 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Hello all and good afternoon,

Welcome back to a new half term! 

We have had a brilliant week in year two! We started the week off by exploring our new topic 'Fire! Fire!' and the class are so enthusiastic about The Great Fire of London and 1666. We have looked at amazing books that tell the story and tried to visualise and imagine what London would have been like then.

Later in the week we had World Book Day. What a pleasure! Class Two were amazing and loved all the learning based around the book 'The Secret of Black Rock'. We made predictions, wrote descriptions, created fish, debated the environmental issues around the ocean and tried ours hands at being journalists by writing newspaper articles about protecting the oceans and seas. 

Thanks for another brilliant week and enjoy your weekend! 

Mr. H. 


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