
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


Remote Learning Friday 19th June 2020

Posted: Jun 18, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you are keeping dry in this weather! I hope you’ve had a good week. It’s been lovely to see a few Year 2 children in the keyworker bubble and I even spotted Florence while she was out for a walk. Don’t forget, I’m thinking about you all, all the time and miss you greatly.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Go Noodle (I’m loving all the NTV guided dances) or Andy’s Wild Workouts

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Creative Friday


LO: Tell the time using digital and analogue to the nearest 5 minutes.

  • 35 add 17 = ?
  • Which number is odd? 92, 94, 96, 98, 99?
  • 72 minus 20 = ?
  • Half of 22
  • What number is 9 more than 45?
  • Make 90p with 3 coins

Have a look at this ‘Analogue clock’. This shows what we call analogue time. Can you remember that when the minute (long) hand is in the pink it is a ‘past’ time and when it is in the blue it is a ‘to’ time.

Have a play around with this online clock. 

Can you set the clock to 6:15. What the analogue time is this?

Did you say ‘quarter past six’.

Repeat with 6:30. How would we say this analogue time?

Did you say ‘half past 6’.

Set the clock to 5:45. Do we say ‘45 minutes past 5’? What would we say?

Get your adult to test your time skills by choosing different digital times and working out how we say those times in analogue.

Here is a time pairs game – you can play like a traditional memory game or if you want to match the pairs and stick them in your books you can do:


How did you get on with your comic strip story? Here’s the template again if you need it. Today I’d like you to complete the next three parts of the story. Remember you can use speech bubbles to help tell the story and more detail in your sentences underneath. The next three parts are:

The birds asked Platypus to join them.

Platypus decided to stay on his own.

All the animals agreed with Platypus’ decision.            

Here is Tatham’s to give you some inspiration:


I look forward to reading yours!  

 Creative Friday

Here are the rain stick instructions from last week. I’m guessing that so many of you made one and that’s why we’re having all the rain at the moment!

They use a kitchen roll tube, but you could use a crisp tube or cocoa tin. They fill the tube with rice, but you can use dried beans or lentils. You can listen to a real rain stick here: Does yours sound the same?

I’ve been following an artist called Tracey English on Pinterest. She makes collage pictures from paper – paper that she has coloured herself, or scraps of wrapping paper and even newspaper. Here are a few examples of her work…

Why don’t you have a go at creating your own collage of an Australian animal?

Have a fantastic day and send me all your photos by lunchtime to ensure you appear in this week’s gallery.

Mrs B x






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