
Primary School


Class 6


Welcome to Year 6

Posted: Sep 9, 2022 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 6

Welcome to my new Year 6 class! I am really looking forward to a fantastic year with a fabulous bunch of children. The first blog of the year has been written by Chloe and Emma.

Mr. K

Class 6 blog by Emma and Chloe

The first week back was amazing! Mr K has been so fantastic this week as have Mrs J and Miss K. On Tuesday we made our own exciting board games to play after going to Robinwood and made a sign that says, ‘Welcome to Class 6’.

On Wednesday, we did creative writing about a boy stuck on a train track, in English we did drama where we had to do still life to show the different stories about a graveyard.  Also, we did place value in maths and PE with Mrs Kendal and computing.

Thursday, we did PHSE about year 6 worries, then PE with Lucy, who is our dance teacher. We are doing about a girl in a grave yard in English.

Friday! Wow what a busy day! We watched Newsround about the Queen, then a grammar and spelling lesson.  We did speed tables and mental maths, after lunch we listened to our classmate’s summer projects by Isaac, Laurie and Saskia. We have some food to try from Isaac.  To finish we had merit assembly.

We are really looking forward to Class six!


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