
Primary School



Monday 15th June

Posted: Jun 12, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Morning all!

Hey, I invented a new word: 
Plagiarism! - like it?

The usual reading and exercise please.

Maths:  this is time with a football flavour:

English:  this combines comprehension with reports and retrieval of information:

Art:  painting anyone?

I hope everyone at home is safe and well. 

For those of you trying to get hold of me, the email address is still but please bear with me, as I'm back in class each day now and my non-contact time is each Friday, during the afternoon. If I don't get back you before, that's when I'll be sat planning the following week and responding to correspondence.

If there is something that requires more immediate attention, please ring the office here and they will get a message to me.

Thanks, as always, for your continued support.
Stay safe,
Mr C


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