
Primary School



Thursday update

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Morning all (part 2),

Please can I remind you that you need to use the following email to contact me: 
Some of you are emailing an old address - please check this.
Any other email address will most likely be missed during the next few weeks as different people will be monitoring the work.


Anyway - it has given me an excuse to post some more photos and work, before Miss H takes over for Friday.

Here are some more projects on KS1 - from Guy, Jack and Georgie.
Jack Chappell KS1 review.docx

Pets, you say?
Here is Mrs Johnson's cat, Basil. Don't pets look like their owners?

And look at these lookalikes in the Addy household:

Peter, the rabbit (obvs).

Mr Duds!

And Mabel (the one in the middle).

Martha looks to have been making the most of the sunshine with her sister and her cousins: 

They've even made their own Snakes and Ladders game!

I hope you are all well - keep smiling!

Mr C

1 comment

Emma Jun 4, 2020

Amazing pictures Y6, lovely to see how much you've grown. I remember you just like your photo Caitie, how time flies!