
Primary School



Remote Learning Friday 15th May 2020

Posted: May 14, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 6

Good morning, Miss H here again! Remember that today is ‘Uniform Day’, so please send us a picture of you in your uniform!

(By sending in a photo, you consent to it being used within school and on the school website.)

At home, we have been looking through old photos and reminiscing about what life used to be like. This is something I always like to do as I am fascinated with the history behind the different photographs. Recently, before the virus, we even got out an old projector with different little slides that you have to push into the projector to move them on. Here are some of the photos that we came across of me …




Why not have a look back through some of your old photographs. You can send me some if you like and I will create a guess who collage!

So, on to today:

Reading: the usual 30 minutes, at least, please.


We are still looking at the topic of Living things and their habitats. How did your mould investigation go? We are starting today with a conclusion. Look at your results table.

Write a conclusion which answers these questions:

  • What do you notice about your results and your observations?
  • Is there more mould on one of the slices?
  • Did the mould grow faster on one slice?
  • Can you use your observations and results to answer your question?

Then make a list of the different conditions that cause mould to grow.

We are going to now look at microorganisms again, in more detail.

Have a look through this PowerPoint.

You are going to make your own microorganism! Can you use playdough or another material to design your own single-celled microorganism?

Think about which type of microorganism it will be. Will it be eukaryotic (fungi, animals and plants) or prokaryotic (bacteria)?

Perhaps it will be a fungus, with a nucleus containing its DNA. Or maybe it will be a bacterium, with its DNA free within the cell.

Complete the sheet with the name of your microorganism, its classification and any other information including its uses or effects.


We are going to create our very own Our Wall of Smiles as a class! But how I hear you cry, we have Mrs Barker to thank for this!

Mrs Barker introduced us to something called ‘Padlet’ which is like a virtual piece of paper that we can all get to and write on! If you click on the link below, you will be sent to a new window. Hopefully, you will see that I have started us off by adding my own quote to make you smile! If you double click on the piece of paper or click the ‘plus’ button, you can begin typing. In the title part, I’d like you to put your name, then we can see who has contributed. You need to write your message to everyone then press the enter button. You can add images or doodles that you can draw by pressing on the ellipsis (…). I am looking forward to your posts to make me and others smile! Here is a link to our Padlet:

Our Wall of Smiles - Padlet


Remember, starting next week, we are going to be cooking dishes from around the world. Please do not feel like you have to purchase the ingredients especially, adapt the recipes to what you have at home. Today we are going to look at food groups.

Look through the PowerPoint. Look at each food from different parts of the world. What foods can you see? For each dish, put the food items into a Venn Diagram which could look like this:

Stay safe everyone and have a lovely weekend!

Miss H


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