
Primary School



Wednesday 6th May

Posted: May 5, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good morning all,

I'm back into school for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and my companions will be Mr Kershaw and Mrs Johnson, so I'm quite excited. If you are walking past, please, PLEASE knock on the office window - we'd LOVE to see you for a two minute chat (and a socially distancing selfie) outside.

Did you hear about the cartoonist found dead at his home?
Details are sketchy...

I've been doing a bit of tidying out drawers and cupboards at home. It's quite a therapeutic thing to do - mindfulness in bundles... I recommend it. Ask if there is a cupboard you can tidy - OR do your bedroom... I dare you.

Reading: 30 minutes or more everyone. Thank you to those of you who are still sending photos of you reading; keep them coming AND give me your book recommendations.

I found out today that my book has (bizarrely) sold loads of copies in the US... who would have known? I'm hoping Mrs C will let me go on a book signing tour - Mr Kershaw could be my agent.

Exercise: Either Joe Wicks (not seeing any photos of this any more?), or your own family version. Don't forget Mrs Barker's Race For Life - training needed!

English: These stories are really exciting. Now you have seen the story so far, today is the day to get back to it, with your writing buddy and come up with the next chapter. This will be chapter 3 (of 5) and needs to have the problem, the dilemma, the drama. See what you can dream up together for your friends to solve. I love to see the photos of you working together - keep them coming! 

Please remember to send these back to me on Word, so that I can pass these on. If you can send them back by the end of Wednesday, then I can send them all back out tomorrow for the bank holiday weekend.


Chess: Are you still playing?

Topic: This is a geography lesson on trade and economics from BBC Bitesize -

Comprehension: From the Schofield and Sims book - Mammoth Find.
(Answers tomorrow)

What's ET short for?
Because he's only got little legs.

No photos to show you today unfortunately... hopefully we'll get a few more in later. Don't forget to keep checking in - Mrs Lindley is going to ring a few homes this week for a chat; we are ALL missing you.

Hopefully I'll see a few of you later.

Take care - Mr C

PS. Mrs Johnson keeps telling me to pass on that she's missing you and I keep forgetting. Oops!


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