
Primary School



Monday 4th May

Posted: May 4, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good Morning - it's a misty one here this morning!

I hope you are all safe and well and have had a good weekend. Before I start, I heard from Fin's mum on Friday and he has had a rope swing accident, which involved mountain rescue and paramedics. He has cracked his 'sternum' - google it and you will see just how painful this must be. I think we should all be getting in touch with Fin and making sure he knows just how much we care about him. 

So perhaps photos on swings should now evolve and let's go back to baking: 

It seems like this party continued and, before long, the Spraggs were bouncing to BMTH!

Sounds like my kind of Friday night!

Thanks so much for the stories. So far I've had 7 back, so I'm still waiting for another 7, before I send them out for the next installments. In the meantime, we'll look at something else.

Reading: 30 minutes please. I'm reading a book called North-West Angle about a storm in Minnesota. Have you ever heard of a derecho? It's a storm front that comes in a wall and is very rare. Here's one: 

Topic: Today, I would like you to research storms and see if you can find an interesting type that you can write a report on. Hurricanes and typhoons are incredibly strong and powerful forces of nature - see if you can find something you'd not heard of. Twister is a great family film to watch. It was made by the people who made Jurassic Park.

I'm also reading a horror story in braille. Something terrible is about to happen; I can feel it! (That was a joke)

Maths: Common Multiples  (excuse the finger)

GPS: Hyphens and dashes:

Have a lovely day - and don't forget Fin!

Mr C


Sally Kewley May 5, 2020

Please pass on my get well wishes to Finn, hope he gets well soon x P.s twister is a great movie.

admin May 4, 2020

Get well soon Fin. Mrs Roberts

Ali and Fin May 4, 2020

Thanks Mr C! Fin is doing absolutely brilliantly. Ali Hi losers, remember from the class degenerate, baking is very dangerous and you could be wheeled away by paramedics. Love you all!