
Primary School



Thursday 30th April

Posted: Apr 30, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good Morning... it's the last day of April and - by my reckoning - we've only had two days that could be thought of that contained showers... Now I don't know if this is good, or bad, but it is...

When I used to be a lumberjack, I cut down exactly 2,417 trees!
I know that exact number because every time I cut one down, I kept a log.


Reading: The usual 30 minutes today. Can I ask you please (pretty please) to look at how your book is written, look at the layout and the paragraphs.

English:  Thank you for your lovely writing. There are some fantastic story-lines and they are ALL different, which will make this so much fun! That said, here is my marking: some (most) of you appear to have forgotten about paragraphs and layout. NEW SPEECH, NEW LINE... remember that? The request was for one chapter, not one paragraph. Some of you, who handed in early, got their work back to look at again and added more; some came in later and so sneaked through. What I have decided to do, is swap them over with someone who did a similar amount of work. Note - some people wrote two pages.

Today, the first thing I would like you to do is read through, check and edit the work that you have received. Please do this WITH your partner - as much as is possible. Don't change their story, but you can improve parts by adding descriptive language, PUNCTUATION, correcting spellings, etc.

Next, I'd like you to write the next CHAPTER (not paragraph). You have ALL weekend to do this, so don't rush. If you could email them to me over the weekend, by Sunday evening, that would be ace. 

Note - please don't change the colour, or the font. I am also removing names. My aim is that we end up with 10 - or more - stories, which I will hopefully put together and send out. 

I promise to read one of them out and record it, then post that.

At the moment, I am still waiting for some to come back, so I'll send them out to you when I have them. I hope this is a fun activity. Feedback would be great.

Maths: Paper 3 today everyone. Then I will send the answer booklet out. Remember, if you get to one that you can't do, move on and come back IF you have time. 40 minutes again. Good luck.

Exercise: The usual - Joe Wicks for those of you who are keeping up with it, or your own family version, if you have moved on, but please do some exercise.

Comprehension answers:  1: The first person 2a: hunger, cold, tiredness 2b: He reaches an inn that meets all his needs 3: Both offer shelter, an observation platform, a contrast to the night outdoors 4: The owl sounds sad, which makes the speaker sound sad in sympathy 5a: 'melancholy' 5b: sad and gloomy 6: He thinks about all homeless people, sleeping rough, especially soldiers and the poor 7: The owl 8: Rhetorical 9a: eg. a hollow tree sounds like heaven 9b: eg. the moon puffs out my feathers 10: Cold: owl's feathers puffed out; clear night encourages frost and makes things 'twinkle' 11: It is made up of four-line verses (quatrains), with regular metre or ABCB pattern 12: That owls are wise

Speed Tables: Speed Tables 12a.xlsx    Speed Tables Left 12a.xlsx

Topic: There are rumours in the news that only certain year groups may go back first. Year 6 is one of those that keeps getting mentioned. IF the government decided to bring back half of the school, they would need to socially distance (2m apart). How could we use our school safely? You can either draw this on your school plan, or think about ways and write them down. Again, you have all weekend for this... have a good mull.

I was interrogated over the theft of a cheese toastie. Man, they really grilled me!

Here are some photos...

 Alex's Mc Brekki


 Callie - Holly's new puppy!

 Martha's lamb is growing up!

 Max's marine biology


Jeff Fox Apr 30, 2020

Hiya, Have the stories come out yet? Will it be by email? Cheers Jeff

Martha A Apr 30, 2020

Hi Mr C, For some reason the right handed speed tables sheet is Half the size. Just wondering wether this is just me or has this happened to other people ? From Me ?