
Primary School



Monday 23rd March

Posted: Mar 23, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good morning Year 6! The sun is shining and there's not a cloud (or plane) in the sky. 
I hope you've all had a good weekend, been on a walk with your family, watched a cheesy film (we watched Wayne's World 2 - I think I know all the words!) and played some games together. I'm doing a jigsaw of San Francisco and I've been playing Mr Kershaw at Scrabble online. At the moment the scores are 286 to me and 227 to him - I've got one tile left to play. I recommend you download the app World Geography - Quiz Game by Atom Games Ent. It's free and fun and challenging - flags, countries, capital cities, continents, islands, etc.

Now, I know we'd usually be doing guided reading first, but things are going to be a little different. Here are today's activities:

1) Read for 30 minutes. This can be the newspaper, online news, a fiction book, a non-fiction reference book - anything.

2) Writing: You should have some paper in your pack. Today you will begin your diary. Put the date at the top and remember those writing points. Think about the things that I would point out: commas, capital-looking 's', passive sentences, etc. I want you to write 1-2 paragraphs. Include what you are reading and your thoughts, any games you have played, any humorous interactions/conversations with your family, your thoughts and feelings about what is going on.

3) Maths: Division with decimals from your pack. There is a short explanation at the top of the page, which is worth reading to recap. You can choose whether you do section A, B or C (or all!).

4) PE. Sorry, we can't play Benchball (sad, crying emoji). I want you to do 30 star jumps, jog on the spot for 3 minutes, 5 press-ups (watch an online video if you want to know how to do them correctly) and 5 sit-ups. We'll build up slowly. We are having family exercise half-hour every day at 10am.

5) Topic: Write down all 7 continents, all 5 oceans and find 5 islands in the continent that begins with the letter O.

6) GPS: page 38, Varied verb forms.

Mrs Johnson thinks it's a good idea if you either a) cook, or bake something b) grow something and/or c) learn a new game. See how you go on. 

You can reply to this blog, or you can email me on: if you have any questions, or you want to show me your work. Georgie emailed me on Friday and included a photo of her writing, which was superb! I will try to find a way of sharing comments/work each day. There are apps that your parents can download (like Office Lens), which scan your work and turn it into a pdf, or Word document, that can then attach to emails, if you want to try that.

Have a lovely day everyone; I'm missing you all. Stay safe and keep smiling.

Mr C


Caitie Mar 23, 2020

Hi Mr C, that sounds great. We did Joe Wicks Live this morning for half an hour. I'm now doing my guided reading. Miss everyone. Foxy

Oliver Mellor Mar 23, 2020

Good morning Mr C hope your okay, I would like to ask you something is the Kiss Of Death the sequel to my sword hand is singing? Also if you have face book then be sure to check out my mums and mine cooking page (Mellors munchies)! All the best 170