
Primary School



Friday 24th November 2023

Posted: Nov 24, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

Wow, what an amazing week, week 3 has been here in Class 5!

We started off the week in English by looking at a brand-new genre of writing, journalistic writing. The children learned what journalistic writing is, examples of it and even the typical features you would find in this type of text. We then moved on to creating our own headline news stories in small groups – one of which was the breaking news story that Miss Robb had stolen and eaten all of the popcorn for our upcoming movie night!

In maths this week, our learning has been all about statistics and data. We have been looking at line graphs, tables and timetables and answering lots of different questions about the data displayed in them.

We also conducted a really cool science experiment testing the friction on different surfaces. The children found out that the more friction present, the slower an object will move and also that the smoother a surface, the less friction it will produce.

It has also been Road Traffic Safety Week all around the country this week. In class we looked at some different statistics and facts about road safety, discussed some ‘true/false’ statements and discussed how we can keep ourselves save when walking near roads. We even had a special assembly by some outside visitors who explained in even more detail about how we can keep safe.

The children have continued their Mandarin lessons too this week, they sang different songs in Mandarin, learned names of different countries and started their new learning on names of family members such as mother, father, big brother, and little sister.

A great week in class 5!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood


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