
Primary School



Friday 26th January

Posted: Jan 26, 2024 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good evening everyone!

I can't believe it's the weekend again! We've had a wonderful week once again and filled our week with lots of fun activities!

Music has been once again rather noisy, as the children have been working on their xylophones! They're actually all progressing beautifully as they play together; very impressive indeed!

This afternoon however, was a little less tuneful as we investigated how sounds are actually made in our science lesson! The children followed a circuit of different groups of percussion instruments to deduce what it was that actually vibrated to create the sound.

Maths was very exciting earlier in the week too as the children worked practically together to measure length, mass and capacity. Please have a look at the photos below!

The children are continuing to thoroughly enjoy all aspects of P.E. at the moment; they are developing great attacking and defending skills they could clearly apply to a wide range of sports.

History involved learning all about the wonderful achievement of Robert Stevenson and his steam locomotive 'The Rocket'. The children wrote wonderful newspaper articles in the role of journalists reporting on the Rainhill Trials.

We're all continuing to enjoy 'The Secret Garden'; the children have written super character descriptions of Mary and are currently in the process of editing their diary entries for Mary too. They are absolutely loving watching the clips of a version of the film as we share the text too.

Do have a wonderful weekend and I'll look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews


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