
Primary School



Week ending 20th October

Posted: Oct 21, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had another wonderful week here in class 4. Before all the dreadful weather began, we headed outdoors earlier this week for some very relaxing art work! Having examined some of the landscape scenes created by the wonderful David Hockney, I asked the children to initially create some pencil sketched landscape scenes of their own! The children loved every minute; some sat on the running track, others on the benches and one or two of the children focused on the cherry trees besides our netball court. With three of us available to supervise the children, we were able to allow them a wider area to select from. I can't wait to see the finished paintings.

We had a change to our literacy plans this week as we challenged the children to first plan and then begin writing their own story for the BBC 500 Words Competition. We spent quite a while exploring different ideas for characters, settings and plots and really enjoyed reading other story examples. The children were really inspired and loved having a go themselves. I can't wait to read their final versions. Well done everyone and good luck with the competition if you do decide to enter.

Friday morning was very exciting as we were thrilled to join Matt Lucas and the staff from 'Read' in a live event as Matt introduced his brand new book to us all. He was so entertaining and wonderful with the children. Many of the other schools in our local area joined us at the event. It was so perfectly timed too as Matt gave the children lots of advice on how to write a captivating story. Just by chance, our lesson to follow his discussion was our final literacy lesson on writing our short stories. What better inspiration than a famous author telling you what makes a good story!!

The children thoroughly enjoyed their gymnastics lesson again this week. Each week, they have developed more and more skills and continue to impress me. This week the children performed some wonderful paired routines incorporating all the skills they have been learning across the half term. Next week, we will be progressing from the benches to the floor beams and introducing the springboard to our vaults too; very exciting!

Netball skills are developing all the time too! The children are having great fun playing a wide range of games with a range of different balls and other equipment aimed at helping them develop each of the skills required in attacking and defending in netball games.

Please enjoy the photos below; there are just a few examples of some of the sketches the children have begun, as well as photos of some of the brave children that have been reciting their poems to the whole class. The children have loved this challenge; next week I am really looking forwards to hearing more of the children reciting their selected poems too. I have also added a photo of the Matt Lucas 'Read' event, along with a very excited class 4 at the end of the event. They were waving goodbye to Matt!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

See you Monday,

Mrs Matthews and the class 4 team x


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