
Primary School



Friday 6th October

Posted: Oct 6, 2023 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

We've had another great week here in class 4.

The children have loved our new text, 'The Lorax'! We began the week by watching a short animation of the book and discussing the main characters. The children have drawn the most wonderful images of the Lorax and the Once-ler. They really are amazing artists! They have then worked together to create endless lists of fabulous adjectives to describe the two characters, before then writing wonderful descriptive extended sentences about them.

Maths has been as busy as ever! The children continue to keep practising everything we are learning through their daily 8 question starter! Active times tables keeps them all fit as they learn too! We have focused on calculations this week (addition, subtraction and multiplication) and today have concentrated on solving missing number sentences; a little trickier!!

Geography has involved the children using the atlases to find different locations in Britain. The children were amazed to find that for many places you could discover it's origins by looking at the name endings. They enjoyed listing those places that originated in Viking, Roman and Anglo-Saxon times and creating their own tables.

The children are continuing to thoroughly enjoy developing their skills in both netball and gymnastics and are having great fun using the running track every day. We've incorporated different ways of moving along the track this week too; exhausting but fun!!

This afternoon, we decided we were going to battle with the elements and venture outdoors for our art. The children thoroughly enjoyed working together to create fabulous Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures with leaves and other natural resources. Do enjoy the photos below!

Have a wonderful weekend; let's hope the sun shines as much as we have been promised!!

See you Monday!

Mrs Matthews x


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