
Primary School



Friday 10th September

Posted: Sep 10, 2021 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 4

Good afternoon everyone!

Wow! We have had such a wonderful week! It has been so lovely to once again see all the children back in class. They have been so enthusiastic, so hard working and as always so very entertaining!

They absolutely loved their street dance yesterday and certainly put me to shame with their fabulous dancing! Our super coach Lucy taught us all a wonderful street routine. We'll be trying out lots of different dance styles this half term so it should be great fun- exhausting, but great fun!!

The children were so excited this morning about their first school swimming lesson (and even the coach journey to and from the pool); they were all so amazing too! Miss Hewitt, Miss Monday and myself were so proud of every single one of them; it was a pleasure to take them and spend a great morning at the pool together.

We have enjoyed lots of lovely art in between working hard in maths and literacy! The children have been sewing beautifully and developing some great sketching skills too. We collected lots of natural resources in our woodland earlier in the week and yesterday the children began using their skills with pencils to carefully sketch them. They are certainly a very artistic class! Here are just a few of their sketches!

See you all Monday,

Mrs Matthews x


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